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Face volumetry

Your skin has lost its firmness and your face oval has lost its shape? Are you looking for a way to reverse the signs of aging? Relax, we have a solution for that. Face volumetry using hyaluronic acid is a method that will restore your skin to its former shape!
face volumetry

Volumetry - modeling the face oval with hyaluronic acid

Face volumetry is a treatment that combines the features of a facelift and modeling face contours. Their main goal is to correct and restore the proper shape of your face, as well as give it a younger look.

The secret of the treatment lies in the use of preparations containing hyaluronic acid (Juvederm), which occurs naturally in the skin, ensuring its proper hydration.

However, with age, this component decreases, and volumetry is able to stop this process. As a result, your skin becomes smooth and your face looks harmonious and beautiful.

Face volumetry in Poland, is it worth it?


Do you want to shape your face contour in a safe way?


Do you care about a painless treatment that will reverse the signs of skin aging?


Are you willing to spend 20 minutes to restore the youthful appearance of your face?

The procedure

The volumetry treatment is painless, but for full comfort, you can receive local anesthesia. The whole process takes about 20 minutes, and you can return to your daily duties right after the therapy.

The volumetry treatment involves introducing hyaluronic acid-based fillers such as Allergan, Juvederm, Galderma, Filorga or Styleage into the deep layers of the skin with a blunt needle.

The effects

The results of the treatment are visible immediately after its performance and last from 12 to 18 months. Moreover, you may initially experience slight redness and swelling, but these symptoms will pass on their own within 2-3 hours and should not bother you.

Depending on the area of ​​the treated skin, you can achieve the effect of filling the volume of sunken cheeks, temples, jaw and chin area, as well as enhancing the shape of the face.

Importantly, the treatment gives fully natural results, thanks to which you will avoid embarrassing questions.

So instead of wasting a fortune on expensive and ineffective creams for external use, decide on a treatment that will nourish your skin from the inside.