Experienced general practitioner, specializing in dermatology and cosmetology. Irina Gubey is a doctor by vocation who develops her interest in aesthetic medicine. The specialist approaches her patients in an understanding and empathetic manner, successfully eliminating the ailments with which they report. Doctor Irina Gubey in her practice is guided by a professional approach to the patient, using her experience and medical knowledge. In order to provide customers with comfort and safety, it is constantly developing, participating in numerous training courses and scientific congresses.

Schools completed

Doctor Irina Gubey obtained her medical specialization at the Belarusian Medical University in Minsk. Wanting to consolidate the acquired knowledge and gain the necessary experience, she worked for 3 years in the local hospital and clinic as a general practitioner. Out of passion for aesthetic medicine, she graduated from the Belarusian Academy of Postgraduate Education, obtaining the education of a dermatologist and cosmetologist. Currently, the specialist is seen at the OT.CO aesthetic medicine clinic in Warsaw, where each patient is approached holistically, selecting treatments for individual needs.


Dermatology is a broad branch of medicine that deals with the search, treatment and prevention of diseases of the skin, hair and nails. A dermatologist also diagnoses diseases of the body that manifest themselves on the skin. A cosmetologist, on the other hand, specializes in non-invasive treatments that aim to beautify the body. A cosmetologist has medical knowledge in the field of anatomy, physical therapy, aromatherapy, pharmacology, toxicology and cosmetic chemistry. Doctor Irina Gubey has extensive knowledge and experience in both specializations. In addition, he constantly updates his knowledge to provide his patients with medical assistance at the highest level. The specialist completed courses and training:

– correction of age-related changes in aesthetic medicine,

– use of botulinum toxin,

– modeling complex, aged lips,

– chronic dermatoses,

– age diseases.

A little about me

I specialize in the treatment of skin diseases and beauty treatments that restore the skin’s radiant appearance. In my practice, I focus primarily on conscious care, which is why I educate patients with skin diseases in the field of proper skin care, tailored to individual needs.

For many people, skin problems are not only a cosmetic problem, but also a complex one. Years of work have taught me an understanding approach to the patient along with a detailed explanation of the entire medical procedure. In my medical practice, I deal with: rosacea, dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, psoriasis and excessive sweating.

In the doctor’s office, I communicate with patients in Russian and Ukrainian. In my free time, I run a blog about aesthetic medicine, where I respond to bothering topics with short videos in a fun and informative way.