Qualified specialist in the field of cosmetology. The spectrum of her scientific interests includes broadly understood cosmetology, with particular emphasis on injection treatments. The cosmetologist focuses primarily on the patient’s comfort and sense of security, professionally selecting treatments for the client’s needs. The specialist is focused on constantly expanding her knowledge, participates in numerous industry trainings and courses. He is competent to perform treatments in the field of revitalization and restoring the skin’s youthful appearance. He approaches his work with great commitment, treating the patient with due empathy.

Schools completed

Cosmetologist Justyna Sidor graduated in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in cosmetology at the University of Engineering and Health in Warsaw. Wanting to broaden her academic knowledge, she continues her education at master’s studies, specializing in clinical cosmetology. Currently, the specialist is available at the OT.CO aesthetic medicine clinic in Warsaw, professionally helping patients get rid of skin complexes. She performs care and anti-aging treatments, using e.g. needle therapy.



Cosmetology is an extensive branch of dermatology dealing with the care and restoration of the skin’s attractive, youthful appearance using non-invasive medical interventions. Cosmetology combines the knowledge of anatomy, physical therapy, psychology, hygiene, pharmacology, dermatology, toxicology, allergology, massage, cosmetic chemistry, and the properties of plants used in cosmetics. Thus, the interdisciplinary knowledge of a cosmetologist requires constant updating. Specialist Justyna Sidor is constantly expanding her theoretical knowledge and practical skills by participating in numerous workshops and industry courses, with particular emphasis on training in the field of injection treatments.

A little about me

A cosmetologist is often equated with a beautician, which is a big mistake. As a cosmetologist, I graduated from higher education, gaining knowledge, e.g. in the field of anatomy, dermatology, properties of medicinal plants or plastic surgery. In my work, I perform treatments that improve the appearance of the patient – I prevent the formation of skin defects, reduce scars, stretch marks and discoloration, order appropriate care matched to the type of skin, reduce and soothe the process of wrinkle formation.

In my practice, I focus primarily on the comfort and safety of the patient. Cosmetology is not only a job for me, but also a passion that I chose because of the desire to help other people. The patient’s satisfaction with the achieved effects and the elimination of complexes encourage me to further development and education.