A qualified specialist in the field of cosmetology and podiatry. She has 12 years of experience as a cosmetologist, which makes her extremely competent. Her scientific interests include podiatry, which she has been practicing for 5 years. She focuses primarily on an individual approach to the patient, choosing a treatment plan for the individual ailments of the patient. She constantly deepens her knowledge by participating in numerous trainings and scientific congresses to provide patients with the best help and effects.

Schools completed

Karolina Fijołek received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Engineering and Health in Warsaw. Wanting to develop his theoretical and practical skills, he participates in numerous industry courses and trainings. The specialist approaches treatment in a holistic way, treating the patient’s body as a coherent whole. Cosmetologist Karolina Fijołek provides her services at the OT.CO aesthetic medicine clinic in Warsaw, approaching patients in an empathetic manner, ensuring the best results from treatments.


Cosmetology is a branch of medicine that deals with beautifying and increasing physical attractiveness using non-invasive treatments. Cosmetologist Karolina Fijołek has extensive knowledge in the field of dermatology, anatomy, pharmacology, physical therapy, allergology, dietetics, toxicology, massage and the properties of medicinal plants.

As a podiatrist, she is a specialist in diagnosing and treating foot diseases. He has knowledge in the field of medical sciences – dermatology, rheumatology and diabetology.

Specialist Karolina Fijołek has interdisciplinary skills in both fields. She is constantly expanding her knowledge and experience in cosmetology and podiatry to provide patients with the highest level of assistance. She obtained certificates from a professional massage course and a professional podology course.

A little about me

As an experienced specialist, by choosing a personalized treatment plan, I help patients get rid of foot ailments and improve their appearance. In addition, by expanding my knowledge through participation in training, I want to provide patients with comprehensive assistance.

The comfort and satisfaction of the patient is extremely important to me, which is why I explain the planned medical procedure in detail to reduce unnecessary stress.